February 14, 2024   

William “Bill” Brown Passes Away at 95


NILES, ILLINOIS —  Bill Brown, founder and chairman of Bill Brown Sales and A.L.P., passed away peacefully yesterday, surrounded by family, in Glenview, IL. He was 95 years old.

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William "Bill" Brown

Bill and his wife Norma started the Bill Brown Sales component sales agency in 1955 from the kitchen table of their apartment while raising their young family. Bill felt pressure to expand services as the business grew, so he entered the manufacturing industry, founding A.L.P. in 1972. Over the course of his almost 70-year career, he witnessed and responded to a technological revolution in lighting, moving from traditional light sources to LEDs. Bill created growth opportunities by listening, learning, and finding new ways to meet customer needs.

Bill’s entrepreneurial talent and engaging personality made him a central figure in the lighting community, and his enduring relationships will remain his legacy. He was a prolific correspondent who sent out hundreds of follow-ups weekly, first by US mail and then by email. Over the years, he received numerous industry awards and accolades, including the first-ever Edison Report Lifetime Achievement Award, the IES Louis B Marks Award, and a Lifetime Achievement Award from RSM McGladrey. He gave back to others in many ways, supporting his local synagogue, Temple Jeremiah, and the cancer research of the City of Hope, among many charitable organizations.

Despite its growth, the organization remains a family business at its core, with Bill’s son Steve serving as CEO and his recently retired son David sitting on A.L.P.’s Board of Directors. Grandson Michael is a Regional Sales Manager for BBS, while grandson Scott serves as a Process Analyst. The values Bill Brown instilled, including mutual respect, philanthropy, and good old-fashioned hard work, will remain as the company’s guiding principles, honoring his memory for years to come.


A.L.P. is a leading global supplier of lighting components, offering a diverse line of products and services for lighting OEMs and the aftermarket. From LED to legacy applications, A.L.P. offers the industry's most comprehensive line of optical components, unwired fixture bodies, LED fixture kits, custom services and more. A.L.P. Brands include Steel Craft, LexaLite®, and Reflek®. For more information, contact Lisa Yeadon, Director of Marketing Communications, at (773) 550-4605 or email to: lisayeadon@alplighting.com



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