November 1, 2023    



Coronet LED Partners with ELA in New York


New York Lighting and Design Community Partners,

We are happy to announce that, beginning November 17th, Coronet will be represented by Electric Lighting Agencies, New York.

ELA logo.jpgFounded nearly 70 years ago, ELA has grown to be the oldest and most successful lighting manufacturer's representative in the New York metropolitan area. With their office in Manhattan, they are well attuned to the lighting community they serve. With our showroom blocks away and our factory nearby in New Jersey, we believe Coronet and ELA are a great fit and together are well positioned to deliver top-quality service and architectural lighting products to our highly valued New York clientele.

With ELA's representation we will continue to deliver on our commitment to the New York lighting and design community and, as usual, do so while keeping manufacturing world-class luminaires, sustainability, and the environment our highest priorities.


Thanks for your support!

Russell Osur, CEO

Matt Grasso, President


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