December 11, 2024

Thinking Differently About Lighting Paused Amid Funding Model Reevaluation


The much-anticipated series Thinking Differently About Lighting, hosted by Dr. Shelley James, has been paused due to concerns over the ad-supported delivery of the Get a Grip on Lighting Podcast platform.

The series was designed to explore innovative ideas and groundbreaking perspectives at the intersection of lighting, research, and academia. Sponsors and advertisers for the series had enthusiastically stepped forward to support its production, recognizing the importance of advancing discussions about lighting's role in our world. However, the funding model was not the best fit for the show's cast of academics, and the vision and depth they were bringing to the series.

"This pause is not the end," said Dr. Shelley James. "I am committed to finding a way forward that aligns with the show's vision and the values of all those contributing their expertise. The conversation around lighting's potential to transform lives is too important to sideline. I am grateful to the production team at Get a Grip Studios, who worked tirelessly to bring this project to life."

The Get a Grip on Lighting Podcast supports Dr. James's efforts and looks forward to the eventual launch of the series on a new platform. In the meantime, Get a Grip on Lighting will continue to provide industry-leading content.

Dr. James invites organizations and individuals interested in supporting this exciting project, soon to take on a new name and vision, to connect and collaborate.


About Dr. Shelley James

Dr. Shelley James is a globally recognized expert in light and well-being, with a mission to inspire change through education and innovation.

About Get a Grip on Lighting

Get a Grip on Lighting is the headline show produced at Get a Grip Studios along with other award-winning content, including the Restoring Darkness and the Lighting Controls Podcasts.



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