April 26, 2022   

Hess PORTAL Bench Honored in 2021 SIT Furniture Design Awards


Recognition In Public Park and Public Area Furniture Category


Gaffney, South Carolina –The PORTAL Bench from Hess was recently awarded Honorable Mention in the Public Park and Public Area Furniture category of the second annual 2021 SIT Furniture Design Awards. The SIT Design Award is a global program that seeks to honor the best in furniture and interior design with the goal of advancing the appreciation of these designs on a global scale. A diverse jury of 25 design professionals from all corners of the world participated in the selection. Judging was based on criteria ranging from innovation, aesthetics, functionality and ergonomics to durability, societal and ecological impact, and emotional quotient. More than 350 entries were submitted from 17 countries.

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PORTAL Bench with low-level illuminated markers cast soft pools of light around the seating area at night.


Available in illuminated or non-illuminated models, the PORTAL bench takes its cues from circular openings framed by elegant satin anodized aluminum rings reminiscent of traditional seafaring days. Designed with sustainability in mind,

materials used in the fabrication of the bench are high in recycled content or grown sustainably. Vertical risers are extruded aluminum punctuated by precision-machined bezels to emphasize negative space. Seating slats are FSC-certified black locust, a fast-growing hardwood species found in North America, Europe, and Asia known for its straight growth and naturally rot-, decay-, mildew-, and insect-resistant properties. The combination of materials imparts rich texture and an elegant presentation while making it well-suited for public outdoor installations throughout the world.

The illuminated PORTAL variant provides illumination through circular light modules for soft ambient illumination surrounding the seat, extending usage well into the evening hours.


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Non-illuminated PORTAL Bench conveys an understated appearance


Optional concealed wireless charging stations meet today’s modern needs for public spaces in municipal and corporate properties, parks, retail, and other pedestrian venues. The multiple award-winning products within the PORTAL family include illuminating columns, bollards, and the world’s first commercially available exterior rated EXIT bollard.

Accolades for the illuminating column include 2018 selections in both Architectural Products and Architectural SSL’s magazines Product Innovation Awards (PIA), 2018 LightFair International Innovation Awards as Best of Category for Sports, Step, Landscape, Pool & Fountain Luminaires, and inclusion in the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) 2018 Annual Progress Report. The PORTAL EXIT bollard was also selected for inclusion in the 2018 IES Progress Report and judged a winner in the 2018 Architectural Products magazine’s PIA awards while additionally receiving a Special Citation in the Hospitality category.

Download the PORTAL brochure here for more information.


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PORTAL Illuminated Bench with complementary illuminating bollard.




EXPERIENCE BRANDS is a fast-growing global conglomerate of medium-sized agile production and innovation facilities that work very closely with its specific markets to provide specification-grade luminaires and customized lighting

solutions. The brand portfolio consists of well-known architectural lighting manufacturers renowned for their rich history of innovation and relevant luminaire designs. These brands include Hess, Griven, and Vulkan for exterior lighting; and Lamp, Nordeon Lighting Solutions, Schmitz, and Wila for interior lighting applications.

The goal of the Group is to leverage the experience, capacity, and capabilities of the individual businesses and people to achieve maximum service and performance to the customer. The brands and companies under the umbrella of Experience Brands benefit from a worldwide distribution network, extensive production facilities, and shared infrastructure. The Group’s mission is to illuminate humanity.


Wes Lane
Director of Marketing and Sourced Products

Office: 864-487-3535 ext. 225
Mobile: 864-420-3830

www.hessamerica.com / www.experiencebrandsusa.com


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