5 Big Questions:  Electrical Distribution Channel

We catch up with David Gordon, President of Channel Marketing Group, to discuss lighting & the electrical distribution channel.


Topics we explore:

  1. How important a role does lighting play in the overall business of the electrical distributor? (1:07)

  2. What are some of the best practices & strategies that some lighting manufacturers are doing to fuel sales growth in the electrical distributor channel?  (2:19)

  3. Amidst the COVID-19 business challenges, what have you observed to be the best strategies that manufacturers and their agents are using to maximize their impact on the distributor channel?  (6:30)

  4. In recent years we've seen more and more lighting agents join forces with electrical reps (aka NEMRA reps) either through mergers, acquisitions or formal business partnerships.  What does David make of this trend?  (9:20)

  5. What will be the most significant shifts in the electrical distribution channel over the next 5-10 years?  (12:20)


MORE INFO:  Channel Marketing Group »



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February 10, 2021

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